Monday, December 30, 2013

Miss Smartie Pants

I cannot believe how much Harper has learned in the past few weeks. She really likes to point to noses, eyes, and her tummy and say the words. She points at everything now. Tal gets a real kick out of asking her questions because if you ask her where someone or something is, she will point all over the place. It is pretty funny. She still adores books and will come and plop down in your lap with a book ready to be read to.

She is also really in to climbing in to, under, and on to things. She loves to sit on our bookshelves, crawl in to the laundry basket and have Daddy push her around the house, and sit in this tiny diaper basket. She manages to squeeze in there every time though. Crawling under the dining room table and chairs is always a fun adventure too!

She got some really awesome toys, books, and clothes for Christmas. She loves her new shape sorter and blocks and her new baby stroller from Gigi. She pushes it all around the house. It is pretty stinkin cute watching her push her baby (bubee) around the house. I even found a tiny blanket one of my students made for her last year and she wraps her baby in it. Grandpa Mitch and Grandma Mary got her a rocking horse that plays music and talks to her. She is still getting used to rocking on it but she loves the sounds. Nothing compares to her Owlie security blanket though. She LOVES Owlie!

Speaking of Smartie daughter is kind of a little rascal sometimes. She is very active, which you all know by now, but she can be so feisty too. Like screaming and throwing a tantrum on the floor when things don't go her way, or going in to limp baby mode when she doesn't want to be carried or put in to a shopping cart of stroller or high chair. She has even been biting and hitting when she gets really tired. The poor kids at daycare of felt the wrath of Harper Lily. I love my girl to death, but boy, she can sure test our patience sometimes! I am hoping that as she learns to communicate better the attitude will lessen, we'll see though. Can't imagine what the terrible two's will be like with this one. Yikes!

Here are some adorable pictures of our girl:

We had a pretty nice snow strom this month and these are pictures of Harper playing in the snow. She didn't like to touch it, but sure loved stomping in it.


Scooting around in the laundry basket with Daddy pushing. Great fun!

She sure did love the Christmas tree this year.

Here is Harper with Uncle Ryan (my brother).

Family Christmas photo on Christmas Eve. Here is one my pregnant sisters, Alisha. She is due at the beginning of February. My other sister, Taylr, is due in just about a week. Taylr is having a girl, Eden, and Alisha is having a boy, Colten. We can't wait to meet our new family members!

 I love our family photo!

Eating macaroni and cheese with Great Uncle Kevin (my mom's brother).

She found a box to scoot around in!

This girl loves her Gigi (my mom). She only wanted Gigi most of the time we were visiting.

New monkey security blanket made by Great-grandma Lane. She crocheted the most beautiful Christmas gifts this year. They were amazing!

Grandma Lane made Harper and I matching hooded scarves. We look so cute!

Christmas Eve pajamas. Having a bottle before Santa visits.

I cleaned out this little storage closet under our stairs put her toys in there. She thinks it is pretty cool having her own hide out.

We had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. I felt so blessed and grateful for such an awesome holiday. We wish you all a happy and healthy new year. Happy 2014 everyone!

~The Wolds

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